Portal Registration


Please self register by clicking on the register button on http://www.ac-knowledge.net/uobv3 or by clicking here . Please ensure that all the required fields are filled. This form accepts only the email provided by University of Bahrain (like abcd@uob.edu.bh or 12345@stu.uob.edu.bh ).

Once you are successfully registered, a verification email will be sent to your email. Please access your email and click on the link for using the services.

Please note that the services will be available only to registered users from outside the University Campus Network.

A registered user will have the advantage of having a personal book-shelf which could be accessed from anywhere. The registered users can save their searches, frequently accessed ebooks/ejournals etc. here. 

In case of difficulties with self registration, please contact Extn. 8266  or +973 17438266 or email us